It may seem a bit early to be focusing on fall hunting season. However, if you are like me, you’re always thinking about it. There are a number of different things you can be doing this summer to help your chances for fall success. Here are some of the best ways to prepare and make sure that when September gets here, you are ready.
- Find Properties to hunt: Every year in the fall numerous hunters lament the lack of places they have available. This is the time to drive around and utilize mapping software in order to locate promising pieces of public land and to find private properties to ask for permission on. You don’t wanna be the guy who is knocking on doors in October begging people to let him hunt. Plan now, make the calls, and line up some spots. Even if you already have somewhere to hunt, it can be a great idea to have other options and avoid burning out a specific property by overhunting.
- Scout: It’s a great time to get in the woods and learn how animals are using a landscape. Any animals you bump now will have long forgotten about it by fall. Finding bedding areas, travel corridors, cover, and food sources will all give you valuable intel. In addition, with everything blooming, its a great time to be in the woods.
- Practice shooting. Whether you are a rifle, pistol, or bow hunter you simply cannot over practice. So many people wait until the week they go hunting, shoot a couple targets to sight in, and go out. The ethical and effective hunter must be practicing year-round. Spend time at the range. Get a good bow target to use in your backyard. Put the time in now so that this fall you are able to hit your target when it counts.
- Get out your gear and assess its condition: When hunting season rolls around, the stores tend to sell out of supplies quickly. This is a great time to take stock and replace or repair anything that is not functioning. It is also a great time to buy that new piece of gear you’re eyeing and spend the next few months learning to use it.
- Pick a new species to hunt. Maybe you have always wanted to hunt waterfowl, but never have. Perhaps you are interested in hunting black bear. Do the research, buy tags, and plan ahead now. This will increase your enjoyment in the fall and improve your opportunities to fill the freezer.