The Fishing Doctors Adventures YouTube:
Underwater Walleye Behavior while ice fishing using a Jaw Jacker. To get this video I just sent a GoPro down to watch what would go on while I had a Jaw Jacker set up. This was a super slow day. So much so we didn’t think there were many fish around. That was until I reviewed the footage and saw many fish swim by without even giving notice to the bait. Then there were those that would just come in for a look and others that would just nudge the bait. Finally did get one to inhale the bait on the Jaw Jacker. Learned a very important lesson that on these slow neutral days a minnow on the bottom was more likely to attract a bit. So the next trip my uncle headed out with a jig and minnow, then a few inches of line and a single hook below. Attach a minnow to both and send down. Let the bottom minnow lay on the bottom. The next time he went out the fish were in a similar mood, but the jaw jacker caught 90% of the fish and all of them were on that bottom minnow on the bottom. So this really is a highly effective method of Jaw Jacker fishing for walleye especially on those tough days.