Monday, July 10, 2023


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    Thoughts On Pack Weight

    Whether you are heading out into the backcountry to hunt big game or just planning a thru-hike, living out of a backpack can present...

    California Senator Proposes Bill To Ban Bear Hunting In State

    Currently, there is a state bill up for vote in California that would effectively ban bear hunting in the state.

    Go Hunt Insider

    If you are interested in planning your first hunt out west or if you are an experienced western hunter and want to try a...

    2021: A Year Of Hunting

    Well, I'm at that inevitable point in the year where I'm having major withdrawals from hunting whitetail deer. It's been just over a month...

    Gear Review: Portable Power – Goal Zero Venture 30 and 70

    We are lucky in the modern age to be able to head into remote areas to hunt and recreate with modern communication devices. GPS...

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